Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Friday, 17 December 2010

Daft Friday

I met a gentleman tonight.  The fire alarm went off halfway through the ceilidh so we all had to stand outside in the freezing cold, and he gave me his jacket to keep warm. He danced nearly the whole ceilidh with me and when I decided to leave he offered to walk me home. Right now I'm kicking myself for not getting his number. He was Scottish as well. Sadly not wearing a kilt though.  Oh, I thought my head would explode when we pulled up at the GUU and I saw that trousers were actually the minority! So many kilts, so little time :p

 My feet are absolutely killing me now, but I have to say I'm incredibly proud that I managed to wear heels for more than 8 hours and even dance in them!

  I love ceilidh dancing because it's absolutely mental. There's one called the progressive barn dance where everyone stands in two huge rows facing each other then the couple at the top link hands and spin round like crazy then make their way down the whole line. Oh, I can't think what the move is called. You link right arms and spin round in a circle, it's a country dancing move. Oh fiddle I can't think of the name at all, but you know what I mean. And they do this all the way down the line getting faster and faster til you can hardly breathe! And most of the dances are like that, it's just full on mad!

  The theme for the building was Lord of the Rings and it was AMAZING! I'm going to put what photos I got up on facebook asap so people can see. It was just mad how much effort they put in to transforming the place. 

  So overall a pretty good night. 11 hours til I'm home :D


Thursday, 16 December 2010

I'm too small

I've just been into Evans with my American twin and had a strange experience. They didn't have my size... because I'm too small.  Even weirder is the fact that I was disappointed. Sure it proves I'm thinner, but they have some really pretty stuff in there and I want it! 

  I'm slightly more rational now and find myself enjoying the fact that I've lost so much weight. May it continue just a little longer!


Wednesday, 15 December 2010

3 days to go

I just sat and read a book cover to cover, simply because I wanted to, and it was wonderful. No pressure to finish it, no need to search desperately for something clever to say about it - just reading. It's a whole different experience to reading the set books for my course.

  Only six or seven more Christmas cards to make, although it seems like every time I finish one I think of someone else who should be on the list! I'm fast running out of ideas though. Today's job (aside from packing) might have to be scouring the internet for some ideas to steal. Oh, I also need to go shopping. Better get a wriggle on!


Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Nearly there

At exactly this time in four days I will be on a train bound for Crewe, and I can't believe how excited I am about that. For so long it's been my goal to get away from the place but now I can't wait to get back. Although I suspect I'm looking forward to seeing the people in it rather than seeing the place itself.  It turns out I'm only home for two weeks, not three like I thought, so now I'm slightly worried that I won't have chance to see everyone. I'm going to try my hardest though!

 Feeling productive again today because I've managed to get my backside down to the gym. It's strange how doing that one thing for an hour can make the whole day seem worthwhile. Even so I'm not going to stop there; I've still only made 19 Christmas cards so I'd better get a move on and make the other 30!


Sunday, 12 December 2010


I was thinking about posting on the topic of how incredibly glad I am that the snow has finally gone from Glasgow. Then I slipped on the ice that the melted snow has formed. Twice.  I fell forward both times so at least I don't have to worry about spinal injuries, but I do seem to have hurt my wrist.  It's quite enlightening actually - I didn't realise I used my left hand so much. 

 For tea tonight I'm having a go at home-cooked haggis. It doesn't seem too difficult (although it would be a hundred times easier if the microwave were working), you just stick it in a casserole dish and let it cook. I'd like to try steaming it but that'll have to wait til I get home as neither me nor Rachel own a steamer.

  I miss salsa.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

They just don't make gentlemen like they used to

If it's possible to overdose on gentlemanliness then it's entirely possible I shortly will. I've now seen North and South three times this week, and the ending scene about ten times, as well as various fan videos. My word that final kiss. I can honestly say I've never seen anything so sexy in my entire life. 

Friday, 10 December 2010

It's alive!

Hallelujah, my laptop lives! No idea what happened to make it die, Dad just took the battery out and put it back in and voila. Life. 

Monday, 6 December 2010


Things are going to go quiet for a while as I've somehow managed to kill my laptop. No idea how I'm going to afford a new one, but I need it so I'll have to find a way. 

Hopefully normal service will resume asap.

Saturday, 4 December 2010


I slipped on the ice again today, and this one hurt. I'm seriously wondering if it's possible to get whiplash from falling over. Luckily there was a nice man passing who helped me back onto my feet and made sure I stayed upright before he left. I wish I'd thanked him but I was so close to bursting into tears that I didn't dare say anything. Hopefully it won't put him off helping damsels in distress in the future! Ah my back hurts :(

I've managed to make 11 Christmas cards so far, which is really pretty good for just one day. I'm not going to think about the fact that that's not even a quarter of the number I need.


Friday, 3 December 2010

It's Christmas!

Well it's not, obviously. But it is the day of the creative writers' Christmas meal! It's so ridiculously early because most people have finished for this semester and they're going home in a few days. But that's fine with me, I'm all for spaced out Christmas meals.

  Today is also the day I'm going to watch North and South with my American twin, a big bar of chocolate and a tub of marshmallows. I am going to feel so fat by tonight....

 But before I can scoff all the marshmallows I have to go and buy them. Off I go to brave the snow/ice/slush/neds.


Thursday, 2 December 2010

Slow down!

I cannot believe it's December already. I'm going home for Christmas in just over two weeks, where the heck did November go?? It's good in a way because I haven't really had chance to be homesick. I've been here nearly twelve weeks but it feels like I've only just arrived. Still HUGELY looking forward to going home though, I'm so excited about Christmas and seeing everyone again!

  The snow is getting kind of old now. It was fun for the first few days but now I would really quite like it to naff off so I can get on with things. It took me an hour and a half to get to town and back on Monday, which is just ridiculous. It had better clear off in time for the 18th. If my train is cancelled I shall cry!


Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Experimental cooking

What do you get if you cook peppers, onion, mushrooms and egg in a frying pan?  

I don't know but it's pretty tasty! I used a bit too much onion though, considering I don't really like it. Even after more than two years practice it's still really hard to get portion size right when I'm cooking.

 Woke up this morning to find my first Christmas card had come through the door. That's a bit too enthusiastic for me. Or maybe it just makes me feel guilty because so far the grand total of Christmas cards I've made is none. It's from the lovely old lady on the ground floor (not the one who looked down her nose and asked if I was in the right sound), I wonder if she's written one to everyone in the sound. I would like to but I don't know anyone else's name! Except Rachel of course.

  I had such a lovely dream last night. It was kind of sad to have to wake up from it.

  Last night our lecturer took everyone to the pub and bought us a drink. I would have appreciated it more if the drink hadn't been wine so I could have had one, but it's the thought that counts! It was at Oran Mor, which is a converted church that has a blue halo round the spire and I've wanted to go there since I first saw it, so I guess he gets some points for taking us there. 

  A few of us were on the brink of leaving and then we just randomly decided to go to the cinema. We got chips and gravy on the way, which was an absolutely gorgeous treat. I love the way things taste better when you hardly ever have them! Anyway the flim was the girl who kicked the hornets nest. It's a very intense film, but what actually struck me most was how strange it was to hear Swedish again. I had forgotten about the little things that we just don't have in English, like inhaling to mean 'yes'. I really want to go back again!
