Finally I'm taking some steps in the right direction. i.e. back to Glasgow. On Thursday I'm starting a job, call centre again but not selling anything so hopefully I can suck it up and deal with the few cross people on the other end of the phone. Actually I have to, because the other news is that I'm moving back into a flat in the West End! I can't wait to get back where I belong.
Although I'm a wee bit cross; my friend has been saying for months that I need to get a 2 bedroom flat so she can move in with me, and now that I've got one she's decided she's not that desperate to move after all. At the moment I can't afford this place on my own, but I've decided to trust that God wouldn't get me back to Glasgow just to be kicked out for lack of funds a month later. If this is a test of faith I'm going to pass with flying colours.
I just can't wait to be back!