Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

My socks are wet

Yeah, I typed out a huge long entry but it was whiny so I deleted it. I'll post something when I have something better to post!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Nae bothar

Why oh why does this country seem to have such a problem with the internet?! At some point soon I am going to have some reliable wifi. And if I don't then I'm going to ask my landlady for my money back! 
Oh my word. I just checked my bank and really wish I hadn't. That is a frighteningly small amount of money. Right, time to start entering some writing competitions! Do the free entry ones give monetary prizes? I'm sure as heck going to find out.

Friday, 17 September 2010

And today's adventure...

I spent two hours on a bus after missing my stop. Then 45 minutes standing at a bus stop because I got off about five stops too early. 

There is only one conclusion that can possibly be drawn from this: I should never get on a bus again.

Today's progress - I have joined the gym, had a tour of the library and the whole university campus, bought my dinner from one of the uni cafes, and signed up for a flat much closer to uni! Not too bad considering the amount of time I wasted on that stupid X85.


Thursday, 16 September 2010

Oh, come on!

And now, to add insult to injury, Aunty Edie's telling everyone I locked myself in the bathroom. 

I'm doing a Masters, I'M NOT STUPID!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Away hame wi' ye

Oh internet connection, how I missed you.

So I've been in Glasgow four full days and I still don't have any idea which way to turn when I go out of the house. I think it's right then left, but don't hold me to that.

Yesterday went quite well to start with, I met loads of new people and I can even remember some of their names! Mostly the ones who remind me of people I know. There's Frances, who is remarkably like Ellie, Maeve, who looks like a girl from high school called Kyra, and Amy. I'm not sure who Amy reminds me of but it'll come to me. I also remember Aaisha (because I know another Aaisha) and Simbreen (no guarantee that it's spelt like that) from New Zealand and India respectively. I don't feel as much of a foreigner as I thought I would; so far I've met people from Sweden, America, Norway, New Zealand, Ireland, India and Nigeria.

But last night was the worst I've had since I came here. I went to a Grub Crawl with the CU and tried to find my way home afterwards. This being 9pm and pitch black outside. I managed the subway just fine but then I tried to get on a bus. Now, those of you that know me know what a terrible, terrible relationship I have with buses. If it's even remotely possible for me to get on the wrong bus then I always, always will. So I ended up at least a mile from home with no taxi numbers and no way to tell them where I was if I could find one.  Needless to say a hyperventilating, crying fit followed and didn't stop until Aunty Edie got someone to come and find me. 

THEN I finally got home, got some feeling back in my toes and decided to go to bed. I went to the bathroom and tried to open the door. Nothing happened. Five hours I was in that bathroom, trying very hard to remember if it's possible to die of hypothermia. I got out, no thanks to the police (no, I can't jump out of the 1st floor window) but by then my feet felt permanently frozen and it took me at least an hour to get to sleep. So, today can be summed up in two words - beyond knackered.

On the plus side, I now have a student card. Bring on the student discount! It's such a relief to have a card, some proof that I'm actually in after all that faff about late application and wrong offer letters. I am attending the University of Glasgow!  


Monday, 6 September 2010

How did we get here

I miss all-embracing hugs, 
I miss the feeling of being protected,
I miss that smile when you do something wrong, but you know I won't get mad,
I miss kisses,
I miss talking when I should be sleeping,
I miss not being afraid to say anything,
I miss learning your face by touch,
I miss your voice,
I miss your hands,
I miss the familiar scars,
I miss the feeling of your hair,
I miss running my hands through it,
I miss being loved by choice rather than genetics,
I miss your laugh,
I miss the way you can always make me laugh,
I miss you being there when I need you,
I miss 212,
I miss your eyes, 
I miss the weight of your head when you fall asleep on me,
I miss the feeling of safety when I fall asleep on you,
I miss fitting under your chin,
I miss feeling wanted,
I miss saying "I love you" a hundred times a day,
I miss the right to say it at all,
I miss you.