Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Monday, 7 February 2011


So I got to do a sexy bachata dance with my favourite Scottish instructor this week.  Right before I found out he's got a girlfriend.  The strange thing is, now I think about it I'm actually less gutted about this than I was last week about not getting to dance with him. I think the reasons for this are:
1 - I made friends with his girlfriend (she's just too nice to hate). 
2 - After yesterday I feel more like he and I are friends, instead of just two people who do salsa.
3 - I never really expected him to like me anyway.

I'm considering taking them up on the offer of going to a salsa club on Wednesday. At the moment it's fairly likely that I will do it because I really want to go to a salsa club, and it would be fun to spend some time socialising with non-uni people. Wonderful as the uni people are, you just can't spend all your time with one lot of people. That's why I'm so excited about the fact that I have visitors coming this week! Two friends coming all the way up from Crewe for the weekend. I can't wait :D
