Okay, I am slightly ashamed that it's now been almost three weeks since I last wrote anything here. But not too ashamed because I've been busily writing things for my masters instead! I'm up to 15,000 words on my novel, I've figured out what to do for my CX assignment and I've even started it. Feeling productive :)
In other news I've applied for a job that I really, really want to do up here. It's a clerical assistant in a primary school, which may not sound that great, but it's perfect for me. Not only would I get to indulge my OCD by alphebetising and filing things, I'd also get to help out with putting up the wall displays. I've always wanted a go at that! Plus the job's 30 hours a week so I would have enough time to keep writing and having a social life, and it's enough money for me to stay here in Glasgow.
I also have an extra reason for wanting to stay in Scotland now. Namely that I've found that nice Scottish man I was searching for. We've been out a few times and I really like him, I'm actually a bit annoyed that I'm going home soon and won't get to see him for two weeks. But oh well, he'll still be here when I come back.
I'm so happy right now it's probably obnoxious :p