Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Times are changing

Finally I have some news to report in the job-hunting area. Nothing major yet, but I do have my first ever Scottish interview booked. It's for a Summer job so even if I get it I'll still have to keep looking, but as long as I get to stay in Glasgow (and I would comfortably be able to with this job) then I really don't mind.

Thing is, I'm shaky with nerves already and the interview's not til Monday, so I'm a wee bit worried that I'll blow it just by looking too much like a rabbit caught in headlights. Time to Google 'how to stay calm at interviews' I think.

My other news is not so happy. In two weeks my Scottish man is going to Florence for a month because he's a genius artist, which I could deal with coz a month is nothing compared to the time I spent in Sweden. The sad part is that now he tells me he may not be coming back.  There will be an exhibition at the end of the month and if someone likes his work they could sign him up to stay there and paint for them. Having heard the way he talks about his hometown I have no doubt that he would say yes immediately, and having seen his work I have no doubt that somebody will ask him. So I have 15 days, and then I might never see him again. 

It's hard to think about it, so I'm trying really hard not to. Lets hope I get the job so it can keep my mind occupied.

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