I got a promotion at work. now I have a permanent, full time job, with holidays and sick leave and everything.
I also have a second flatmate; a woman from salsa so we're a complete salsa flat!
Things are still going good with Fred.
I've joined the choir at church and I've sung with them three times so far.
Today the sun is shining and my arms (and even partly my legs) are starting to go a nice brown.
Life is good : )
It's quite strange being in a proper job. I can't seem to get out of the mind-set of a poor student. The other day I bought a big pot of Onken mango and passion fruit yoghurt because I've wanted some for months, and it took me about an hour to stop feeling guilty about spending £1.20 on yoghurt. I just can't stop thinking of myself as poor. Hopefully I just need time and eventually I'll get used to it and stop feeling guilty about every penny I spend.
oh congrats on your full time job! I know how you feel when I started full time work. but good luck with everything :)