So, I have a ginormous number of CVs all printed off and ready to go, and the plan for the next two days is to wander up and down the three main streets of Glasgow and hand them in at any shop I think I could possibly work in. Whether they're looking for new staff or not. Because as things stand I only have enough money to stay here until March.
Technically I could move back home at the start of April because all the teaching for my course will have finished by the end of March. But I don't want to. I've got salsa here, and the gym for £40 per year instead of per month, and S'mug and Starbucks, and tall, yellow-gold buildings, and Hogwarts, and a cinema with armchairs instead of aeroplane seats, and a library with 12 floors, several libraries in fact, and the quiet, and a million little things that I don't want to get used to living without. I mean, even the six flights of stairs up to the flat make me feel good about myself, because that sure as heck has to count as a huge chunk of my daily exercise.
I know that I'm supposed to be here because every single time I've almost run out of money, some more has showed up out of nowhere. But then I think what if I'm only supposed to be here for the duration of the course, and when it ends I'll 'supposed to be' somewhere else. Like Crewe. I'm really starting to feel like I could stay here forever. And how will I find my ginger Scotsman if I have to go home??
I think I want to move to Glasgow and in particular, move into the 12 floor library!! xxx