Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

So much to consider

First, I cannot believe how much I missed salsa! The music started and everyone was moving and I felt such a release. It was almost physical, like I'd been holding my breath too long.

Second, I think I'm a little bit in love with the Scottish instructor.

Third, there must be something seriously wrong with me. Yesterday I went for coffee with my American twin; a process that can easily eat two or three hours without either of us noticing. But it got to an hour and something started to feel wrong about my side of the conversation. I realised it was the fact that I couldn't work out the appropriate facial expressions in response to what American twin was saying. In one hour I had managed to completely wear out my sociableness.
And tonight I was sitting waiting for someone to ask me to dance, and one of the female instructors was sitting kind of in front of me but to the side. I saw her looking at me, and I knew that I should say something, even if it didn't turn into a whole conversation, just to be polite. But I stared past her and watched everyone dancing. Not one single word. And then I had a big 'woe is me' moment on the way home because I couldn't work out why everyone at salsa seemed to be bestest friends apart from me!

Can't be bothered counting any more. I have a heck of a lot of weight to lose. There are moments (far too frequently) where I just feel like a beached whale.

I want someone to dance bachata with.

In the beginner's class they asked me to do the male part as there were so many women there. It took an incredibly long time for me to stop automatically doing the female footwork, which I suppose is a good thing coz it means I have muscle memory for the footwork. But then in intermediate I went back to being a woman and it felt very strange. And it was weird that it felt weird. I've been doing the woman's part for three months and the man's for two hours, how exactly was it so difficult? 

The wind is howling outside again. If I won the lottery I would buy this flat and install some flipping double glazing. Also carpets.

And finally, I really, really need some serious sleep.


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