Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

And up...

I got a promotion at work. now I have a permanent, full time job, with holidays and sick leave and everything. 
I also have a second flatmate; a woman from salsa so we're a complete salsa flat!
Things are still going good with Fred.
I've joined the choir at church and I've sung with them three times so far.
Today the sun is shining and my arms (and even partly my legs) are starting to go a nice brown.
Life is good : )

It's quite strange being in a proper job. I can't seem to get out of the mind-set of a poor student. The other day I bought a big pot of Onken mango and passion fruit yoghurt because I've wanted some for months, and it took me about an hour to stop feeling guilty about spending £1.20 on yoghurt. I just can't stop thinking of myself as poor. Hopefully I just need time and eventually I'll get used to it and stop feeling guilty about every penny I spend.

Monday, 19 March 2012


I was right not to panic; now, instead of my friend, I have my favourite salsa teacher as a flatmate! It turns out he's also extremely good at hugs, which is a great advantage considering the state of things at the moment. 
Yeah I was going to write about everything that sucks right now, but I just don't want to. Anyway, I have a proof-reading enterprise to set up.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Looking up.

Finally I'm taking some steps in the right direction. i.e. back to Glasgow. On Thursday I'm starting a job, call centre again but not selling anything so hopefully I can suck it up and deal with the few cross people on the other end of the phone. Actually I have to, because the other news is that I'm moving back into a flat in the West End!  I can't wait to get back where I belong. 
 Although I'm a wee bit cross; my friend has been saying for months that I need to get a 2 bedroom flat so she can move in with me, and now that I've got one she's decided she's not that desperate to move after all. At the moment I can't afford this place on my own, but I've decided to trust that God wouldn't get me back to Glasgow just to be kicked out for lack of funds a month later. If this is a test of faith I'm going to pass with flying colours. 
I just can't wait to be back!

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Things to sort list

1. Call tax office to get back the money they over-charged me.
2. Call insurers to get back the money they over-charged me.
3. Call agency to get the money they didn't pay me.
4. Call old insurance to get proof of no claims.
5. Find paper part of driving licence, otherwise points 2 and 4 won't work.
6. Print train ticket so I can go back to Scotland.
7. Fill in all pending 'why should we give you this job?' sections on job applications.
8. Attempt not to have some kind of breakdown.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Up to date?

It's a good thing these aren't real stepping stones; I'd need some kind of glider to go over everything I've missed. To cut a 3 month story short - my graduation was amazing, my aunt kicked me out on my graduation day, I loved working at the Post Office but they didn't keep me on, I'm now staying about 20 miles from Glasgow with a friend's parents, and I'm back on Jobseekers.

And on to the next step, which is that I have (despite a concrete belief that I never would again) found myself a new boyfriend. I met him at the PO, he offered me a lift home, I worked up the courage to give him my number, and it all went from there. He's a wee bit younger than me, but he's the oldest child of his family so more mature than the last younger guy I went for. Plus he has his own car, which helps :p

We've only been together a couple of weeks and already I've learned something about myself: I'm colour blind. Because when I describe him to people, it never occurs to me to mention that he's black.

The colour of someone's skin has never been a Thing to me, so the reaction from some of my friends has surprised me. I've had texts like,
'What do your Mum and Dad think about him being black? Not that I'm saying he is black. Not that there's anything wrong if he is'. 
I don't understand why people tie themselves in such knots about it. Mum and Dad have expressed no opinion on the matter, they're just happy that I'm happy.  

I'm not saying my friends are racist. I've had none of the 'stick to your own kind' type of messages. I just find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that some people can see it as such an issue. 

Although I guess it is kind of a surprise when you consider that I moved up here in the hope of grabbing myself a nice Scottish man!