Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Monday, 3 June 2013


Last Sunday I took part in the Race for Life. It was incredibly hard and made me feel sick but it was worth it because I raised over £500 for Cancer Research.

It was also worth it because it gave me an idea for a story. Not like a competition brief where I ponder over the idea for days or weeks and then plod through writing the story. A proper, flash of light, couldn't write fast enough to keep up with my imagination, solid idea.

I cannot explain how amazing it felt to be writing like that again. It makes me feel like maybe I am a writer after all.

The inspiration and story both made me cry though. Hopefully next time I get a flash it won't be so personal or painful.

1 comment:

  1. wow congrats on raising so much money for a good cause!! :)

