Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Oh dear

Meltdown Week is over, so I really have no excuse. It just happened.  I had a tizzy fit so big I walked out of salsa (leaving my cardigan behind, genius!) and cried all the way home. Then a bit more once I got home.

 It seems so silly now I think about it. The instructor introduced two new moves today and I just couldn't wrap my head round either of them. And it turns out being a perfectionist is actually a fault; I couldn't get it right so I refused to do it at all.  Being incredibly tired didn't help. Normally I'm fine with spins but when I'm tired even spotting can't stop me feeling dizzy, so on top of my brain refusing to wrap it also felt like it was still spinning even when I stood still.  

 So the moral of the story is get enough sleep! I'm having an early night next Saturday, I don't care how boring it makes me just as long as I can dance properly. Although, I can't really complain. The instructor of the beginners class only had four hours sleep last night and he still managed to teach for two hours, man and woman steps! I tried to do the man's part for about 30 seconds and it fried my brain, so kudos to him. 


1 comment:

  1. Everyone's allowed to have a bit of a 'moment' every now and again.
    I'm brewing one up at the moment. I'm worried for the people around me who'll witness the exact moment when I explode.
