Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Saturday, 30 October 2010


I both love and loathe boxfit. 

I love it because there is absolutely no denying that I've had a good workout by the time I get to the end. It sets me up for a whole day of slobbing because I can't physically move myself any more than I did in that class.

I hate it because so far I've always been the biggest person there and this wee toned instructor keeps yelling at me to "PICK YOUR HEELS UP! LET ME HEAR THOSE PUNCHES!"  I would love to pick my heels up like everyone else, but I'm at least 4 years older and 4 stone heavier than all the skinny twigs around me and my heels just can't handle being up. As to 'hearing the punches', I'm having trouble breathing enough to stay upright, never mind shouting every time I throw a punch.

At least I managed to stay for the whole hour this week. I was ill last time but I still felt a bit feeble for giving up halfway through. It probably helped that I got an incredible breakfast cooked for me this morning. I've made friends with two girls, Rebekah and Lindsay, who live quite near to uni and even though I'm older they seem to have adopted me. So last night I was round at their's and we had lasagne made with cottage cheese (nummy and low fat!) and this morning Lindsay made pancakes, scrambled egg and garlic mushrooms for breakfast. I was stuffed completely full, which is a feeling I haven't really had since coming up to Scotland. I'm feeling like a total scrounger though so I've bought the ingredients to have another go at banana bread. Let's see if I can get it to rise this time and I'll take it round as a thank you.


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