Sometimes life is like standing on a stepping stone in the middle of a roaring river.

The good thing about stepping stones is there's never just one.
If you keep moving from one to the next, eventually you'll reach the other side.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

How is it that I can go to America for three days and come back saying "awesome!", but this is my fourth week in Scotland and the only change to my accent is that I sound more English?!

Right now I feel like I'm finally doing uni the way it's meant to be done. Only three years late but never mind.  I think it's partly the fact that I'm actually away from home instead of ten minutes down the road, but I think it's mostly to do with people. 
 At MMU I spoke to people if I had to and if I didn't then I pretty much ignored them so they wouldn't try to speak to me and discover that I have absolutely no conversational skills. But last night I met someone called Ben at the CU and it turns out he lives quite near me, so we ended up walking home together. That in itself is completely out of character for me but then he asked me in for a cup of tea and I said yes. I don't know what came over me! Possibly the fact that it was bucketing down and I wanted to wait inside until it stopped :p so last night I met Ben and Scott, who are both physicists in the navy, Bex and her boyfriend who I think is called Craggy. Possibly. 

That was my exciting day yesterday. Today I've managed to faff for exactly 5.5 hours and do absolutely nothing off my to do list. I might add 'write on blog' just so I can cross something off!

1 comment:

  1. This is cute!
    I miss uni!
    Also, I am noticably jealous about your cup of tea with a strapping physicist on your way home in the rain.
    How romantic. If it wasn't meant to be so.
